MAD Multimedia












time / mission critical

        our                   clients           satisfaction

from cooperation







interactive agency


If you have the budget limit and the project deadline – don't risk with others!

Take advantage of our 20 years’ experience in digital media.

Timeliness and diligence included.

Specialisation: multimedia

Commercial and entertainment. Commercial and entertainment. As animations, presentations, applications, movies, games and e-gadgets.

2D and 3D, Virtual Reality, Augmented Reality.

On-line and off-line, desktop, tablet, mobile. Multimedia are everywhere.


We take advantage of proven solutions, trends and add some creativity. It's the perfect recipe for a successful project in the reality of the market.

For clients

Do you need a professional presentation at a conference or exhibition?

Do you want to promote a brand, product and looking for innovative ideas and comprehensive service?

Don't you want to create a new website, but you want to revive it?

You've come to the right place!


Our small team creates graphics, animations and software, and if necessary, we work with proven experts of interactive media. As a result, we can handle almost any project, optimize costs, and our clients can sleep peacefully.

For agencies

Tired of working with unreliable freelancers? Are you overworked while coordinating? Delegate some tasks for us! Outsoursing works.

We will provide a completed project or expand your team. If needed, we consult details with a customer.

We are flexible.

Our work examples

"A picture is worth a thousand words..."
The real agency's capability is defined by implemented projects. No promises, just facts. Check us!

See more in our portfolio

Our clients...

...small and big ones. Everyone is special. Below some of them.

  • bayer_158_77
  • bph_158_77
  • brebank_158_77
  • budimex_158_77
  • eden_158_77
  • edupark_158_77
  • erv_158_77
  • galderma_158_77
  • grid_158_77
  • jti_158_77
  • loreal_polska_158_77
  • max_elektronik_158_77
  • mcx_158_77
  • mercor_158_77
  • pkobp_158_77
  • pwrsa_158_77
  • pzu_158_77
  • tp_sa_158_77
  • wolters_kluwer_158_77
  • ydp_158_77

Our competencies

  • MULTIMEDIA = PICTURE + SOUND + MOTION + INTERACTION as: multimedia presentations, animations, Power Point / Keynote, educational programs, multimedia stands, e-learning, advergames, animations for web creations, banners, etc.
  • Websites, HTML 5 , CSS 3 , jQuery, responsive design (desktop + mobile + tablet ), landing page, user interfaces, branding.
  • We have also an experience of Virtual Reality (3D world, a virtual helmet, glove control) and Augmented Reality. The world is bigger than we think.

Contact us

  • Address
    MAD multimedia
    ul. Olimpijska 5/13
    80-180 Gdansk, Poland

  • Write us
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